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Aniracetam Review

Here is my take on the nootropic substance Aniracetam. (for a more scientific review of Aniracetam check out NootReviews

Aniracetam is one of the first developed racetams, and in my opinion it’s one of the most effective ones.

For me it has the perfect combination of focus and learning, in addition to calming me and removing my anxiety. This makes it a complete nootropic powerhouse which simply cannot be matched.

When you are reading reviews about nootropics on the internet such as this one, always remember that the effects of nootropics vary highly from person to person.

What completely removes one persons anxiety may do nothing for another individual. What lets Steve focus on his work for hours may not aid Sally at all. Nootropics vary from person to person, and the only way to know what effects you is to test, test, test.

In my opinion you should purchase a small amount of multiple different nootropics, and this way you have the ability to test them all and see how the different ones effect you.

So anyway, back to Aniracetam.

I tried Aniracetam first at a dosage of 350mg. For me this didn’t have much effect. I knew that this was a very low dosage, but I think it’s always better to start low and slow than accidentally overdo it, especially when it comes to nootropic substances.

I once took too much Modafinil semi-by accident - not fun. Always start low, and then take more later if needed.

So after an hour or two with no effect from the Aniracetam, I decided to take another 350mg.

Now this is where it really started to hit me. What I first noticed was how calm and motivated I was. It was as if all the nagging thoughts, worry, and doubt that I feel so often simply drifted away.

It allowed me to buckle down and work on some grueling work. At times I love what I do, but in reality there is a lot of boring work which I don’t love. I suppose it is the same for everyone.

If you ever feel this way at your job and are looking for an aid to help you put your head down and work, Aniracetam is surely something to be considered.

Remember, you can’t expect to get the same effects which I have gotten, and you should take my experiences with a grain of salt, because they are just that, my experiences.

Again, if you are interested in getting some of the effects which I have mentioned here, I recommend you make an order of some of the common nootropics from

For a beginner, in my opinion a shopping cart of a first order should look like the following:

1 - Piracetam

2 - Choline

3- Aniracetam



With this you will cover all your major bases, and at least 2 of these should give you vary positive effects. If not, well, go cry about tit.

Remember, before you try and supplement with nootropics, you should be doing everything else possible to increase your brain health. I think you should be meditating for some time each day, doing some amount of cardio exercise, and eating relatively healthily. In addition to this, getting 8-10 hours of sleep each and every night is very important for proper brain functioning and health.

Only once you have established a health lifestyle do I think you should attempt to fix any problems, or enhance yourself further with the aid of nootropic drugs.

Thank you for checking out my review of Aniracetam, and I hope you liked it:D

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